Preparing to Bring Your Own Story?

You’ve come to the right place. Here are our top five tips for picking and preparing your story. If you approach this with an open mind and try to integrate each step, you’ll be well on your way to developing a powerful story.


1.    Pick a story you don’t tell often
This is a confidential, non-judgmental space. You’ll find others sharing deeply and you may feel motivated to do the same.

2.    Base your story around an actual event

Stories without a specific event often feel more like personal essays. Describing an actual event helps you hold listeners on the edge of their seats.

3.    Identify the beginning, middle and end

Such a simple but effective framework. People tend to "begin" by providing context for the event and "end" by sharing how the experience changed them.

4.    Know your first line and last line

Cognitive psychology tells us that people are more likely to remember the very beginning and end of your story. Draw your audience in and conclude powerfully by intentionally choosing your language.

5.    Keep it brief

Aim for 5-7 minutes. It’s not often you get to speak uninterrupted for that long. You’ll be surprised how much you can share.